Fear vs. Freedom ~ Your Choice!
To fear or not to fear that is the question… Your Choice! Try Flipping the Fear into a better feeling , feeling… You can acknowledge the...
Fear vs. Freedom ~ Your Choice!
Practice is a Playground & 12 Play Stations
"Comfortably Edgy" ~ Finding The Learning Zone in Your Practice~
2020 to 2021 Reflect & Renew
How Much "Should" You Practice? Practice & Learning!
What IS Chunking???
What is Creative Practice? And why Creative Flutist?
21 Days of Guided Creative Practice!
Colors, Keys, E-Motions
Listening To Your Recordings & Practice
Make It Stick!
Sound Check
Creating Long Lines:
14 Days of 100 Reflection #1
Switching to 100 Days of SOUND JOURNALING
100 Days of Practice
Effort / Ease
Being Moved by the Music you are Making
9 Days to Get into Flute Shape DAY 8
9 Days to Get in Flute Shape ~DAY 9