.. And the 4 kinds of practice and 4 kinds of learning.
I get asked a lot how much should my daughter/son practice? OR by students, How much should I practice?
The first things I say is there is no "should"... Every person is unique and so is their reason for practicing.
Secondly I share about it is HOW you practice... and WHAT you practice and WHAT you are learning really matters most!
1 hour? 2 hours? 3 hours? 4 hours ??? How much is enough? What is too much? Is there an optimal number of hours that one should practice?
No, but there are ways for you to design a practice that is meaningful, deliberate, creative and productive for you and your musical goals!
“Practice with your fingers and you need all day. Practice with your mind and you will do as much in 1 - 2 1/2 hours.” ~ Leopold Auer
1. Mindless Practice
Mindless practice is: Repetitive People repeat things numerous times. ex. 10 times with out thought. People practice piece/pieces for ____ number of minutes. (as if only the minutes mattered)
Mindless is on auto pilot (play for a while and stop at something, then start again)
Problems with this kind of practice are: Waste of time as you are practicing your errors, unwanted habits, and the things you don’t want to do. Therefore you are adding more time to your practice in the long run.
“Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent.”