3 poems... by me...~Jen
Sounding Our Vibration
What if

The only thing I am asked in the end is…
Were you truly Jennifer Shawn Keeney?
What if
The only question you are asked is…
Did you honor your spirit?
There is only one of us ever to be,
It is a great responsibility!
What if
Each of us has our unique vibrations
To give the world
And to sound our vibration
At its highest frequency
Is the song of our life’s journey?
Light’s Basket

She returns to gather,
connecting the parts,
the stars of her life,
angel starlights, hearts.
Bridge of remembering,
circle of stars
rainbow’s light basket,
gatherer of ours.
Her song of life,
heard from within,
guides her home,
through all she has been.
Gathering her starlights
soundstars and soul,
in her heart’s basket,
now dancing her role.
Her basket now filling,
light is unfolding,
love’s music unfurling,
her heart uncovering.
Do you remember
gathering your lights,
angels encircling,
heart basket de-lights…

She calls me to remember,
Her voice echoing my heart,
Silverlight, a faun’s eyes
Sophia, a vision I hear.
I feeling as full as she,
Sounding the mystery,
Spiraling light and dark,
Ancient ancestors truths.
A veil has been lifted,
One of the seven,
A gift of Isis,
Mother of the moon and ocean.
Ladder between the worlds,
Stared sand dollars
And up the ladder,
Stars celestial.
She reminds me of my dreams
Soft feathered high vibrations,
A healing, A gentle reuniting,
Love I am feeling.
Moonwater, down my cheek
Raining light drops,
Their river melting clear,
Moonwater, visions I hear.
~Jen's Journals